The Non-Linear Movement Method® Playlists

Resources for Your Home Practice

For your home practice you can choose a few songs and practice for 10-15 minutes as a simple yet effective way to connect with your body, emotion and sensation.

Choose music that does not have lyrics and feels nourishing to you.

At home Non-Linear Movement Method® Practice:

On a mat, come onto your hands and knees. Drop your head and feel where your body meets the ground for a moment.

Let your neck relax, and feel your head hanging heavily, like a bowling ball.

Close your eyes and begin to feel how your body wants to move. Perhaps you feel some tightness that you want to attend to, perhaps there is an area you’d like to stretch.

There might be thoughts and emotions that arise as you begin to move. No matter what occurs, just continue to move your body in whatever ways it wants to move.

Make sure not to apply any breathing techniques and also to allow the movements to be nonlinear, instead of reverting to postures you know from yoga or other exercises.

Just allow yourself to feel and move, to move and feel. Allow whatever thoughts occur to rise and fall naturally.

There is no right or wrong way to do this exercise; simply allow your body to move and your body’s natural wisdom to guide you.

Sometimes you’ll be lost in thoughts, sometimes you might feel enveloped in emotions, sometimes you might just feel bored—all of which is fine— just continue moving.

You can do this movement with music as a background or in silence.

The only two rules are: keep your eyes closed and keep moving, even if you are just moving a little finger or a making a slight undulation of the spine.

You can also adjust your posture or position according to your body’s needs, by lying down or resting on your forearms instead of putting pressure on your wrists.

This exercise is best done on hands and knees, though, as this position gives you maximum movement of the spine, shoulders, and neck.

Excerpt from  the book “The Wild Woman’s Way”.

You can also find a recorded guided practice in the “Embodiment Toolkit”.

There are many NLM Playlists on Spotify as well as some on SoundCloud. (you can search by “Non Linear”)

We encourage you to create your own, ideally with music that does not have lyrics.





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