Coming Home to the Body

Embodiment  Intimacy  Relationship




Intimacy & Relationships


The Wild Woman's Way


Unleashing your Wild Woman

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Featured Workshops

I Feel Changed on a Cellular Level

Michaela's workshop was like nothing I'd ever experienced. I feel changed on a cellular level; I am not the same person I was before. Michaela is an absolute force of nature. She is funny, incredibly alive and understands women's needs deeply. She has somehow managed to pack about 10 lifetimes of wisdom into one half life. I can't recommend her offerings enough.

Traci, California

This is World Class Teaching

The Wild Woman's workshop was by far the most intense, powerful and yet integrated experience I've put myself through. We were hand-held through integrating rapid and personalized transformation in every cell of our bodies. I left more loving, more erotic and more connected than I've ever managed to sustain as a state of being-ness and it's held subsequently. The work has been anchored into my very essence. This is world-class teaching!

Emma, New Zealand

Michaela and Steve are Incredible Teachers

Michaela and Steve are incredible teachers, I am deeply appreciative of the quality and high-standard they hold as well as deeply grateful for the depth and absolute power of the teaching. I am in awe with all the layers of explorations and feel privileged to have access to the many facets of my being.

Frederike, The Netherlands

An Essential Guide

Let Michaela’s wisdom lead you to a new, harmonious relationship with your body, your beloved, and your boss. From outer work to inner sensuality, The Wild Women’s Way is an essential guide to learning how to find your 'flow' rather than pushing your 'go' all the time.

HeatherAsh Amara, author of Warrior Goddess Training

As Seen On

Your Journey into Deep Education & Radical Embodiment


The Non-Linear Movement Method® is a powerful somatic modality developed by Michaela over the past 2 decades of instruction and practice and now offered internationally. The method is rooted in her early somatic training and has been developed and refined within her extensive clinical experience, both while working within a demographic with severe trauma, addiction and personality disorders, as well as in her private counseling practice.

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Intimacy & Relationship

Most of us yearn to connect in meaningful, passionate, and hot intimate relationships that deepen and grow over time. In our intimacy work we teach the core skills that are necessary to live a rich intimate life. We uncover blocks, blind spots, and the habitual patterns that hold us back from love. We explore fresh ways of being and relating to open up new possibilities in intimacy.

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The Wild Woman's Way

“The Wild Woman’s Way” is Michaela’s body of work drawn from her decades of counseling and from her training in a female lineage of Kashmiri Shaivism, of which she is now the lineage holder. This work is designed to provide education, inspiration and practical exercises for living as a woman in today’s world.

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Free Resources & New Writings

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The Wild Woman's Way

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News & Media

sex, love & goop + Michaela on Netflix

Gwyneth Paltrow’s newest show with goop is now live (and bingeable!) on Netflix. It’s a 6-part series that explores relationship & sexuality with different couples.

Michaela works with one of the couples directly and talks candidly with Gwyneth as all of the couples journey through eye-opening exercises and dialogues.

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Michaela featured on “Loose Women” UK

What do you mean by intimacy? And how do you keep the spark alive?

These were the first two questions every interviewer asked over the past few weeks. I had been featured in a London Times article and suddenly everyone had questions (and strong opinions!!!) about it.

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Finding Intimacy with Gwyneth Paltrow & Brad Falchuk

Gwyneth and her husband, Brad Falchuk, did a video call from their living room with intimacy teacher Michaela Boehm. In this moment of uncertainty, when tension in many households is running high, Boehm offers a framework to help partners process difficult emotions and reconnect with each other.

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About Michaela

Michaela Boehm teaches and counsels internationally as an expert in intimacy and relationships. Born and raised in Austria, Michaela combines her training in psychology and extensive clinical counseling experience with her in-depth training in the yogic arts. A gifted speaker and counselor, her unique body of work centers on the intersection of intimacy and embodiment. Known for her work with high-performing individuals, her ongoing private clients include Oscar-winning actors, multiple Grammy-winning musicians, producers, and business pioneers. Michaela is the Author of “The Wild Woman’s Way” and the founder of The Non-Linear Movement Method®, a powerful somatic release modality. Her work has recently been featured in Gwyneth Paltrow’s Netflix Show “Sex, Love & goop” and Will Smith’s bestselling memoir ‘Will’. She lives on an organic farm in California where she rescues and rehabilitates animals.


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