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Michaela Boehm travels and teaches internationally as an expert in intimacy, relationship and embodiment. A gifted speaker, facilitator and counselor, her unique body of work centers around the intersection of intimacy and embodiment.

With an extensive (35,000 plus hours) in-person counseling background, clinical experience in trauma and addiction and innovative somatic approach, her work with celebrity couples has been featured in international print publications, TV programs and online talk shows. Most recently her work is featured in the 6-part Netflix Show “Sex, Love & goop” , which she co-hosted with Gwyneth Paltrow, and in Will Smith’s bestselling memoir ‘Will’.

Michaela is the creator of The Non-Linear Movement Method®, a somatic release modality which utilizes principles of trauma therapy, polyvagal theory and movement for nervous system regulation.

Her book “The Wild Woman’s Way” was published by Simon & Schuster/Atria. She is the creator of the “55 Flavors of the Feminine Oracle & Practice Deck”, designed to support archetypal embodied exploration.

Empowering through Education
Together with her co-teacher Steve James, she has designed three distinct innovative training programs, which educate its graduates to effectively facilitate seminars in the area of intimacy and relationships, women’s empowerment, as well as certify facilitators of her original Non-Linear Movement Method®.

These programs have to date trained over 280 practitioners internationally. Graduates have applied the work in psychotherapy practice, refugee counseling, sexual abuse counseling, medical and dental care as well as general workshop and life coaching contexts.

Passionate about creating educational tools that support both the cognitive understanding of behavioral patterns and their impact on relationships, as well as the important role embodiment plays in intimacy, Michaela continues to develop and teach experiential courses that support women and men individually as well as relationally.

Among these offerings are “The Intimacy and Attraction Workshop®”, which teaches skills to create deeper connection and lasting relationships and her original body of work around women’s empowerment called “The Wild Woman’s Way®”. This work is offered as live events, online courses and as a facilitator training.

Michaela publishes lectures and seminar content on “The Michaela Boehm Podcast” and appears regularly in interviews internationally. She has lectured at numerous summits and conferences, among them “The Embodiment Conference”, “The Embodied Psychology Summit” and “Wisdom in the Time of Crisis”. She is a regular contributor for

Private Coaching and International Seminars
Michaela’s private coaching company is focused on working with high-performing individuals and couples, including Oscar-winning actors, producers, writers, multiple Grammy-winning musicians, CEO’s, and multi-billion dollar fund managers.

Michaela also consults extensively with international business founders and family offices specializing in succession and second generation wealth strategies.

Together with Steve James she offers coaching sessions as well as public seminars in Europe, the UK, Australia, Canada and the US. She has taught workshops at Esalen Institute, Omega, Kripalu, Hollyhock Learning Center, 1440 Multiversity, the Summit gatherings and the Science and Nonduality Conference.

Community Support
During the COVID crisis the company focus has shifted to online teaching in order to support people through emotional, health and relational challenges.

“The S&M Conversations” are offering free zoom calls with resources and practices. Steve currently offers free weekly meditation, embodiment and mindfulness instruction and Michaela offers bi-weekly NLMM sessions.

Spiritual Orientation and Engagement
In addition to her degrees in psychology, extensive training and experience in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Hypnosis and somatic modalities, Michaela draws from her personal engagement with a female Shakta tradition.

Born and raised in Austria, she began her spiritual explorations with Celtic Mysticism and the work of the traditional Alpine herb healers as well as the biodynamic teachings of Rudolf Steiner.

Michaela received a formal education in a female held Tantric Shakta tradition (Kashmir Shaivism). Mentored by her female teacher, she is now the lineage holder of this tradition and dedicated to passing these teachings on to the women she mentors.

Upon arriving in Los Angeles, she trained in multiple forms of yoga and bodywork as well as in Improv theater and dance as a means to engage deeper with the body.

She is engaged in the ongoing cultivation of her devotional practice and passionate about restoring the plants and wildlife of the organic farm she lives on in Ojai California, which was recently destroyed by the Thomas Fire. There she cares for her pack of small, unruly rescue dogs and rehabilitates abused farm animals.

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An unmatched depth of knowledge

Michaela brings an unmatched depth of knowledge, intuition, and experience into the practice room. This workshop deepened my relationship with ecstasy. It’s a rare opportunity to access teachings of such authenticity that, while esoteric at their core, are grounded in practical applicability. This is a workshop I would definitely do again and again.

Jane Y, Arizona

I love the body based learning

I love the body based learning so for me the changes have been integrating continuously since the workshop. The depth of understanding that Michaela has about how the body and psyche can be freed from outdated patterns is amazing. She facilitates the group masterfully and this was a wonderful experience to share with other women.

Rebecca, Australia

Really deepened my understanding

Michaela’s workshop really deepened my understanding of my sexual self and I am aware how I can express this more. Funnily enough, I feel the need to now; a need that had been dormant for quite some time. Thank you Michaela.

Richard, Amsterdam